Monday, January 20, 2014

Frozen Herb and Oil Tarts

While I was chopping up garlic for the last post's fries, I realized I had lots of leftover garlic.

Can I say that I LOVE GARLIC.

But not everyone shares my love for this vampire deterring bulb. So I dug through the catalog of my brain and the many hours of trolling the food pins of Pinterest and came up with an idea for the leftovers.

I put the minced garlic in a tiny Tupperware (I also LOVE Tupperware) and simply added olive oil. Put this in the freezer and you've got a quick seasoning starter for sautéing meat, veggies or anything that you're cooking on the stovetop.

I also had some leftover fresh parsley and added that to another container.

Ta-Da! Herb and Oil Tarts.

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